Cherish all encounters with people and things
代表取締役 出合 美保 Deaiwo / 117 誕生までの道のりと製品に込めた想い
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自分の肌そのものの細胞を活性化することを目指し、 原価度外視で高級美容液成分(ヒト幹細胞エキス*1・EGF*2)を贅沢に配合。 クリームの概念を覆す、べたつかず驚くほど伸びる、 感動するほど肌にスッと浸透する使用感。 *1 ヒト脂肪細胞順化培養液エキス *2 ヒトオリゴペプチド-1 |
キメを整えて乾燥による小じわを目立たなくする プラスワンのスペシャルケア
集中保湿美容液クリーム キメを整え、乾燥小じわを目立たなくする効能評価試験済、 陶器のような滑らかな肌へと導きます。 ※効能評価試験済み |
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気になる白髪・薄毛を簡単に隠せるヘアカラースプレー こだわりの美容液成分が毛髪の保湿を促す、 優しい使い心地の商品です。 |
Deaiwoらしく、UVも贅沢保湿美容液成分配合 肌に優しいSPF30・PA++
ネチャネチャしない。スッと馴染む。使用感に徹底したこだわり クレンジング不要で汗をかいても 肌が白くならない。この夏、涼しさMAXの新商品です。 |
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It does not contain stem cells. When culturing stem cells, the protein components secreted from the stem cells are the stem cell culture medium.
It contains over 500 types of proteins, but does not contain stem cells, so there are no ethical or genetic issues, and it is said to be the safest "next-generation anti-aging ingredient."
This is a stem cell culture medium derived from human fat. Its display name is "human adipose cell conditioned culture medium extract."
This is a secretion fluid secreted during the cultivation of human stem cells, so the stem cells are the protein components that have been removed.
You can use it with confidence as the ingredients are produced under a strict management system in accordance with the standards for biological raw materials.
RemyStem, a stem cell culture fluid ingredient created using stem cell technology, combined with patented penetration technology, reaches the deep layers of the skin and works at the cellular level to promote cell turnover and produce matrix proteins such as collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.
It activates the body's natural regenerative processes, and its effectiveness in improving wrinkles and fine lines, whitening the skin, and healing wounds has been confirmed and published academically.